Anne was the sister of the Brydges brothers Edward Tymewell (KSC 1758-66), Samuel Egerton (1775-80) and John William Head (KSC 1775-82). She married George Lefroy (KSC 1755-62), who later became Rector of Ashe in Hampshire. She became a friend of Jane Austen, who wrote a poem ‘To the Memory of Mrs Lefroy’.

The following verse was published in The Sporting Magazine, December 1798, p. 176.


On seeing some school-boys playing in the Green-court, Canterbury


Of warriors here a fancied train

               With drum and fife advance;

               While like their streamers light and vain

               Their youthful spirits dance.


Perhaps ’mid this fantastic band

Some future Wolf may tread;

When time has nerv’d the infant hand,

And youth its roses shed.


Yon tiny elf on stilts upborne,

A giant stalks the green;

While, by those props that raise his form,

His youthful folly’s seen.


’Tis thus when rais’d by wealth or birth,

To fill a lofty sphere;

The idle coxcomb’s want of worth,

More plainly must appear.