From August 2014 to November 2018 the School commemorated the centenary of the Great War.
The School has a Roll of Honour website with full details of the 163 boys and three masters killed in the War. See also a Roll of Honour timeline.
For an account of The King’s School Canterbury and the Great War, see:
3 1914 Canterbury was beflagged for the Cricket Week;
4 What is going on ‘out there’;
5 All alike should ‘carry on’;
7 Some Great and Worthy Memorial;
9 We have made what should become a tradition!
It had been known for some time that several casualties were omitted from the First World War memorial plaque in the undercroft. Fourteen names have now been added – 12 OKS and two masters. The names added are as follows (the date is the year they left King’s): 1861 RSF WALKER, 1887 PC JOHNSON, 1889 BS WILLS, 1894 TWH JONES, 1902 FH LANGHORNE, 1903 MWW MATHER, 1904 HI FERGUSON, DDDK MOIR, 1906 CR TISDALL, 1907 C BATTISCOMBE, 1909 T CARLYLE, 1912 EHJ TEASDALE and two masters: HM BROWN and RE EVERITT. More names need to be added: 1884 WA [SPOONER] FORTESCUE, 1899 WF BURGESS, DC GRAHAM, 1907 JT WRIGHT, 1914 J PIPE and a master: ELR HORLEY.
See also: War Memorials, The King’s School in 1914, The Sixth Form in 1914, and Ted Berryman’s Great War Letters. For the wider context: Public Schools and the Great War.